If you are a transportation provider,
contact us to learn about joining
FACT’s brokerage.
Contact us at:
(888) 924-3228
FACT provides rides through its brokerage, which is comprised of a number of taxicab services, nonprofit transportation services and ride hailing services.
The brokerage is an innovative service model which creates efficiency due to supply-side competition. FACT does not hire drivers or operate vehicles directly.
Rides for RideFACT and agency contracts are purchased from the brokerage. FACT selects the trips from the lowest priced brokerage vendors.
Our brokerage vendors include nonprofit and for-profit organizations that provide transportation throughout San Diego County.
A contract with each organization details safety requirements, as well as driver and vehicle standards.
FACT aims to make access to transportation easier for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Are you interested in providing transportation under FACT’s Brokerage?

FACT specializes in
finding the best option
for your mobility needs.

to Door




of Charge


For Hire
