Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation (FACT) was recently awarded the California Association for Coordinated Transportation (CalACT) 2013 Outstanding Coordinated Transportation Program Award.
The award recognizes the senior transportation services provided by FACT through its innovative brokerage based service to San Diego County residents. FACT Executive Director, Arun Prem and Service Planner, Meagan Schmidt accepted the award during the 5th Annual CalACT Awards Program on May 15th. The award is presented to a member of CalACT that has made positive contributions to transportation and CalACT members.
CalACT is a non-profit and statewide transportation association that has represented the interests of small, rural, and specialized transportation providers since 1984. Membership is comprised of individuals and agencies from diverse facets of transportation, including operators of small and large systems, planning and government agencies, social service agencies, suppliers and consultants.
In January 2012 FACT established a transportation brokerage to serve San Diego County. The brokerage arranges for individualized transportation services through nearly a dozen private for-profit and non-profit transportation providers as a cost effective means of transport for seniors in the region.