
What is FACT’s No Show Policy?
This policy is being enforced because each no-show affects our drivers’ daily pre-determined schedules and routes. In addition, FACT pays for each no-show as they would a completed trip.
When does a no-show occur?
If a driver arrives for a scheduled pickup and is unable to find a rider after 15 minutes, the trip will be considered a no-show. Drivers and FACT dispatch will attempt to contact the rider during the 15-minute window; the driver will be released if the rider fails to appear during that time. A trip cancelled less than two hours before the beginning of a scheduled pickup window is also considered a no-show.
When do I need to cancel my ride?
FACT asks that you inform our call center at least two hours before a scheduled pickup if the trip is no longer needed. This allows our drivers enough time to adjust their schedules.
Something out of my control occurred – I have to cancel my ride at the last minute. Will this be held against me?
As every rider and their circumstances are unique, FACT dispatch will review each no-show on a case-by-case basis. A cancellation due to emergency or illness will not be held against a rider. Exceptions will also be made for medical appointments that end later than anticipated.
When will I be suspended from FACT services?
A rider will be suspended from FACT services if they accrue three no-shows within one calendar month. The suspension will go into effect immediately and will last for 30 days total.
What occurs after each no-show I accrue?
A rider’s first no-show will be noted by FACT dispatch on their profile. If another occurs during the same calendar month, the rider will receive a verbal warning via phone call. A notice of suspension will be mailed to them after their third.
Why is RideFACT service not guaranteed?
RideFACT is intended for individuals who have no other means of transportation. If an existing transportation service can accommodate your travel then we help you with using that service. If other services are not appropriate for you, you may qualify for RideFACT.
Will RideFACT transportation be provided outside of San Diego County?
Can others travel with me on RideFACT? If so, do they have to pay a fare?
Can I schedule RideFACT trips with the driver or agency associated with the driver?
How much is my fare? How do I pay my fare?
Fare pricing is based on distance travelled. The FACT mobility coordinator scheduling your trip will inform you about the fare. Please pay the fare to the driver for each one-way trip. Drivers accept exact cash only for all trips. Drivers cannot make change.