Happy2Help Transportation

Private For Hire
Eligibility Requirements
Transportation Resources for the General Public
San Diego, CA
Program Description

As San Diego County’s “All-Inclusive” transportation provider, you can count on us to be there when you need it. Whether it’s an outpatient surgery during the week or getting grandma and grandpa home in their wheelchair, we’re HAPPY2HELP!

Our services are tailored for traditional passengers, seniors, and people with limited mobility in need of reliable transportation. We specialize in providing passengers with a comfortable, efficient, and personalized experience.

Ambulatory transport starts at $45 + $3.00 per mile; wheelchair-accessible transport starts at $75 + $4.00 per mile; gurney transport starts at $175 + $9.00 per mile.

Advance Reservations Required: 24 hours in advance

Passenger Needs
Curb-to-curb, Door-to-door, Door-through-door, Waiting with Passenger
Trip Type
One-Way Trips, Round Trip, Same Day Trips
Mobility Device Accommodation
Gurney Service, Foldable Wheelchair, Transport Mobility Device, Wheelchair Lift, XL Wheelchair, Scooter, Walker, Crutches, Cane, Service Animal
Private Pay
Childcare, Grocery, Medical Appointments, Necessary errands, Social & Recreational

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