Mobility management is a term used to describe the “innovative approach for managing and delivering coordinated transportation services to customers.” Many US cities have implemented mobility management programs to support seniors, persons with disabilities, and people with lower incomes find rides around town.
In San Diego, FACT is designated as the mobility manager that helps to coordinate service across various providers, from private drivers, to paratransit. FACT offers information, transportation referrals, and transportation services. Information is available through their website where individuals can easily search for a ride that meets their needs.
Importance of Mobility Management
Reliable transportation is essential for people with special needs or disabilities to have quality of life, be active and social and have access to services including Medial care. Something as simple as getting a ride to a doctor’s appointment can be crucial for getting medications and treatment. In fact, it’s estimated that millions of Americans miss or delay their medical care because they don’t have access to transportation. It is a huge cost to society and taxpayers in terms of healthcare and social services expenses.
With mobility management services provided by FACT, many folks can access transportation more easily. FACT’s business model is to refer people to the most suitable, appropriate transportation options in San Diego County. When such options are not available, FACT provides rides through it’s RideFACT transportation service. FACT is also assisting several organizations that include City and County departments, Hospitals and Social services agencies meet their transportation needs. We do that by offering transportation to County residents or by offering service agreements to the organizations who may purchase transportation for clients through FACT. The revenue generated through these services is used for the mobility services FACT provides.
Mobility Manager
In San Diego this would be organizations like FACT who help organize transportation for people who need it. FACT is responsible for working together and with the community to reduce waste and duplication of services and enhance mobility for everyone.
Ultimately, FACT helps to make San Diego transportation services run efficiently and support more sustainable growth as more people come into the region.
One way to think of mobility managers is as a one-stop shop for specific transportation needs. They provide a convenient place to get information on rides or other mobility-related services so that the public doesn’t have to spend extra time piecing together services from multiple providers. Mobility managers coordinate together, rather than compete, to provide what’s best for the community.